Throbbing Pain In The Back

Back pain

Back pain is one of the most common complaints among people. Unlike all other mammals, only the people experiencing back problems, because to go directly significantly increases the load on the spine.

The spine consists of several departments, and often throbbing pain in the back is localized in only one of them.

Cause discomfort

Factors affecting the deterioration of the spine known to all:

  • sedentary lack of exercise;
  • lack of exercise;
  • sudden weight lifting;
  • heavy physical work.

In addition, the influence of genetic factors and comorbidities, which, for example, impairs blood circulation in the spine.

The spine is a group of vertebrae, between which there is elastic plates, which play the role of shock absorber. Mobility in all segments attach to the facet joints and articular cartilage.

Violation of the integrity or location of any part of the vertebrae leads to various diseases, and expressed pain.

The causes of back pain

The spinal cord out of the particular nerve roots, which run near the vertebrae, so most of the discomfort of their violation.

Mostly a throbbing pain in the spine occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Fractures of the vertebrae.
  2. The lower back pain.
  3. Spondylosis.
  4. A hernia between vertebrae.
  5. Lumbago.

Such a serious disease are easily distinguished from ordinary back pain, because in the latter case, it is just inflammation or stretching of the muscles, and the condition passes quickly. If the damage to the spine the sensations are extremely powerful and requires proper treatment measures.

Cracks in the spine

In fact, the medical community-the term is not accepted. The term "crack" means the rather incomplete fracture without spinal cord injury.

The spine is designed to support the entire body, although it is quite flexible and agile, making it possible to make a variety of turns, inclines. However, even such nearly perfect mechanism is very unstable.

Cracks can occur for the following reasons:

  1. A bad fall or perform sports exercises.
  2. Falling from a great height.
  3. A sharp compression of the body (such as a car accident).
Crack the spine

The elderly are a special risk group, because they have such an injury can occur, although little strain on the back, the vertebrae, are too fragile and are not sufficiently involved in the necessary trace elements.

Not always people can immediately suspect in itself a violation of the integrity of the vertebrae. In some cases, the cracks are so small that they live on. However, most changes are instantly felt.

The typical symptoms of fractures of the spine:

  • strong sharp and throbbing pain at the site of injury, which can spread to other areas of the back;
  • increased pain on palpation or change in position of the body;
  • the formation of swelling and bruising at the injection site, trauma;
  • tension in the back muscles and limitation of movements.

If the result of the accident broke part of a vertebra, it can squeeze the nerve endings in the spine or the injured spinal cord itself, in this case, the pain is burning and sharp, and it is necessary to take measures, emergency hospital treatment to remove a splinter.


Lower back pain is a disease associated with degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs and articular cartilage.

It develops most often in people age because of poor nutrition of tissues, however, recently diagnosed "younger". Because of the lack of nutrients suffering from the first disc between the vertebrae, which loses its firmness and flexibility. It is reduced, is pressed and as a result ceases to perform its main task of the adjacent vertebrae. This thin pad can not be separated from the bone tissue of the vertebrae from each other, and they begin to interact, causing inflammation.


Degenerative disc result in the same abnormalities and pinching the nerve roots.

Further changes affecting the spinal joints and ligaments. Bone tissue growth, as a result of lost mobility in the spine, it comes to the vino, developing kyphosis and scoliosis.

Reference! Cargo, which is distributed unevenly in relation to the human body, for example, a heavy bag, which the day-to-day dress one shoulder leads to disease of the spine.

To provoke the disease can only of old age, but several other reasons:

  • the increased load on the spine: heavy physical work, obesity, occupations associated with continuous sitting or standing;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • intoxication;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • somatic diseases;
  • hormonal changes.

Lower back pain is divided into cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.

  1. Loss of the cervix you experience the following symptoms: pain in the neck, arm, numbness, hearing loss, headache.
  2. With the defeat of the chest appear in: aching pain in back, shortness of breath, pain in the heart muscle.
  3. With the defeat of the lumbar spine feel a throbbing pain in the lower back, the sacrum, then it spread to the legs. Can occur in disorders of the urinary organs.

With the defeat of the cervical spine is the circulation of the brain and, therefore, there are other symptoms:

  • pressure drop.
  • nausea;
  • dizziness, the appearance of dots and spots before the eyes;
  • sleep disorders.

Often osteochondrosis occurs or throbbing pain, which pulls the spine in the lumbar region. This is due to the fact that there are 5 top vertebrae that presses the entire upper part of the spine. In addition, this area is more strained when lifting a load, tilt, swivel.


Spondylosis is a condition where the edges of the vertebrae to form tumors in the bone, pathological bone growths. This condition is the next step after osteochondrosis.

Because of the deformation of the intervertebral discs and the development of local inflammation thickens the bone tissue of the vertebrae. Eventually begin to Deposit calcium salts, to form a so-called. the spikes, which compresses the nerve roots and spinal vessels.


The causes of the disease are often:

  • back injury;
  • old age;
  • chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes);
  • obesity.

The symptoms are similar to osteoarthritis, and occurs in the form of pain in the innervated area, the muscle tension that restricts movement, increased kyphosis or lordosis.

Interesting fact! Spondylosis he suffered another ancient people. Archaeologists were able to detect such pathological changes in the spinal structures to further mummies.

Between the vertebrae hernia

The disease does not usually occur suddenly. The gradual compression of the disc between the vertebrae. Part of the fiber-ring (outer shell) over the edge of the vertebrae. In this situation, only talk about the disc bulge.

Strong or sharp compression, insufficient nutrition of the tissue of the fibrous ring to burst and then the inner part of the plate of pulpo the core comes out. In this case, the diagnosis is hernia. The core affects the nerve endings, and thus cause burning pain.

Most often, the hernia is localized in the lumbar spine. A person experiences the following symptoms:

  • pain from the buttocks and legs;
  • numbness in the legs;
  • failure of the urogenital system.

For disc herniation in the cervical characterized by: numbness in hands, pressure fluctuations, dizziness, pain radiating to the shoulders.

Herniated thoracic (which happens less often) characterized by chest pain, which is often perceived as a disease of the neighboring organs.


The term lumbago refers to throbbing lower back pain for different reasons. It is not an independent disease, but only a manifestation of negative changes in the vertebrae.


On the basis of lumbago are dystrophic and degenerative process of the spine. Often, the reason so many other conditions – low back pain.

In addition, lumbago may be due to:

  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • injuries and tumors of the spine;
  • tuberculosis;
  • congenital dysplasia.

The condition is often called lumbago pain in the lumbar, because the resulting pain is sharp and throbbing.

In this mode, the person is sharply bent, and you can't straighten up. Relief from that stomach on a hard surface to put under his pillow. Because acute pain occurs with muscle spasms, and tense muscles even stronger discomfort.

If affects the sciatic nerve root occurs, lumbago, pain spreading to the buttocks and thighs.

In addition to the pain of lumbago cause such symptoms as:

  • numbness of the skin on the spot acute pain, or, on the contrary, the feeling of tingling and "pins and needles";
  • heart palpitations;
  • sweating.

The condition of lumbago may take a few hours to several days and sometimes will be decided independently without interference.

Throbbing pain in the back is almost always a sign of damage to the spine. It is not enough to relax or change the station. At the first signs of pathology, you need to go to doctors for accurate diagnosis and timely treatment.